Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Continuing Your Education With Pain

Today I am signing up for a new distance-learning program that will allow me to get my BSN.  This is the serious road to finally let me get to where I want and need to be.  But how can I study; take my classes online; and soon, go to clinicals a few hours a day, with pain??  This on top of a full-time nursing job?  This schedule is hard for those who do not get setbacks due to pain!  Add on the mental and physical stress of experiencing pain while trying your best to be attentive in a tough program.  This will certainly be a challenge.  

This was a situation that I knew I needed to research deeply before deciding. What was I deciding? Was the question IF I wanted to go through this program?  No!  I wanted this as soon as I saw it was available to CA nurses.  The biggest question was: Can I do this?  I have a medical issue that affects every area of my life.  Can I do it?  Of course I can do it!  I have done much harder things in my life and made it through just fine.  Above all else, this is what I need to do for me.  For my career.  For my future.

What about my pain?  As my son said, "Mom you may as well do something that you really want to do even if your hurting; these days will pass anyway."  The days do pass.  So quickly now.  And when we look back on our life, have we made the very most of our days?  Were there things that we could have been doing to help our future?  This also can be much easier said than done.  

California Nurses lost our distance learning and education online abilities about 4 years ago.  The program was discontinued here, although it is still running fine in other states.  I did some of that program years ago.  As I just posted on the Nurses site I belong to: "Isn't it odd how different our state's laws are, and how they affect each U.S. nurse in what they can learn online, what is available to them; Why we are not looked at in a National sense instead of a state by state basis."

So, a new, and in my opinion, much better nursing program comes along in the place of the old program.  It is harder, it is longer, and in the end, I will have two big accomplishments in my life through this program.  I am excited and almost do not think of my pain in the mix.  I am on the computer in my off time anyway.  (I love to learn and was a 4.0 student in my in-person nursing classes I was taking when my father was diagnosed with colon cancer and very shortly was admitted to hospice.  That changed the trajectory of that course of action to obtain a higher degree.  I was blessed to be my dad's caretaker in his last days but had to withdraw from a full load midterm.  I asked my professors if there was any way to come back and finish the second half; I knew the answer before they gave it to me--No.)  Then there will be clinical days, in class after class.  That scares me, not the classes themselves, I love clinicals.  It is the fear that my pain will get in the way.  Things can sound good then real life happens pain makes decisions for me.  Yet I am determined and excited.

And if, after a day at work, I sit down to study, take a test, or read a lesson from one of my Professors; and I have pain, what do I do?  For one, I can assure you I will be in pain after work.  That puts me in the recliner with the heating pad.  I can mix furthering myself and pain.  This program was exactly what I needed.  It will also help take my focus off my pain which has been shown to be a fantastic way to lower pain levels tremendously! We, as pain sufferers, that want to do more with our careers but know we cannot go back to school, there are ways. I can tell you some places to check out in an upcoming post.

I wish you a low or no pain day.....


  1. That sounds like a great opportunity, but for your job advancement and as a great way to distract yourself from the pain while being productive at the same time.

  2. I know that you can do it!! I went back to school at 45, deep in the throes of chronic pain, and found that I could not only do the course work but also make a difference. And as an RT, finally getting my degree and completing a "real" program was a must if I were going to pursue the path I had chosen. I spent way too much time on my feet, came home tired and hurting, but wouldn't trade that time for anything!!
    And being older, the instructors, other students, docs and nurses, found me to be somewhat of a curiosity. There was a certain level of respect being older and taking on the challenge of finishing my education. Not that one ever "finishes" an education, but for me, it was just finishing something I had started many years prior.

    So you will do well, you will find success, and you will find pain. But in the end it is something that you can do and be proud of yourself in completing this task!

    Jump in with both feet and you will be successful. And in the end, the outcome will be worth any increase in your pain level.

    Best of luck!

  3. SHAUNA: Thanks for the great comment; you basically said in one sentence what I said in my entire post!! lol I really like that, "....a great way to distract yourself from the pain while BEING PRODUCTIVE at the same time. Shauna, your education is very admirable, and I know you did it with pain too. It is an easy rut to get caught in, that horrible focusing on pain when we are in it. But now, I pick up a book, (not that I didn't read before going back to school), but these are books I must read. I am in a sense "Forced to re-educate my brain", to be able to realize I just spent an hour reading, and had not noticed my pain!! Whohoooooooo! I know how much a good education means to you, and I look at you as a role model. I am humbled to be cheered on by a woman such as yourself.
    Thanks again for the comment Shauna.

  4. CAUSTIN; Thanks for your very encouraging and real life comment!
    I know that you endured great pain in furthering your education, as you say...."coming home tired and hurting, but wouldn't trade that time for anything!" That is exactly how I feel, a sense of excitement, a bit of fear, but there is absolutely NO feeling that I have gotten into something that I just can't finish. I know I can do it. I am in great pain as I write this, yet I can go sit down, fresh and cooled down after a shower, and READ!!! With no one telling me WHEN to test, or finish, or start. Yet I already see myself on the fast track, I have never just taken one class at a time! lol

    I appreciate my readers having such a great feeling of support for me and cheering me on!!

    Thanks for your comment Caustin!

  5. I do plan to respond to your response and to your email! Other things have needed doing first.


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