Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Farewell To Walgreens Pharmacy

The mortar and pestle, one of the internationa...

A Judgment Call

Walgreens Pharmacy has served me for years, been a partner in my medical care, and been a friend at times when I felt as if the entire system was against me simply because I live with pain every day.  (I have also been a long time customer of the entire store)  This connection has been built over many years, and as with any part of the management of my pain or other medical issue, is  very important.  I knew the various staff, I was comfortable.  It is sad to lose that.

I am not a 'pharmacy-hopper' or a 'doctor-shopper'.  I create long-lasting partnerships in my pain management, including the pharmacy at which I choose to fill prescriptions.  After decades of spine and knee surgeries, various procedures, trials and novel treatments, all performed by respected surgeons (Neuro and Ortho) Pain Management physicians and the well-known clinics they practice in; I am a credible and compliant patient with a medical history starting with severe trauma going back to my teens.

One thing that does change over the years is employment, health status, etc., and I have been a customer with various insurances, and also a cash pay customer.  One year I paid about $12,000 cash for prescriptions, and I did not spread that love around to other pharmacies, that was all for Walgreens.  Ouch.

So why am I leaving Walgreens pharmacy?

Let's start with the phone call.

I was returning a call from the Walgreens pharmacist who was refilling some medications I had submitted via the convenient text & email refill alerts they offer.  He had said on the message that there was a "problem with one of the medications" and needed to talk to me.  I thought I may know what he was referring to with one of the refills, and was shocked to find out what the 'problem' really was.

Asking what he wanted to talk to me about, the pharmacist said something about a new Walgreens policy regarding pain medications and that he couldn't refill the Soma prescription.

Soma, or Carisoprodol, is a muscle relaxer.  Granted, it definitely helps with the deep pain and the movement restriction of severe muscle spasms (ergo why it has been prescribed to me for years) but I beg to differ on his wording.  I asked him if he could repeat what he had said.

"We at Walgreens in an effort to protect ourselves and our customers, have a policy regarding certain medications and in all good faith, I cannot dispense this medication at this, or any other Walgreens."  I was a bit taken aback and asked him to please repeat himself, and I grabbed a pen & paper.  He stated this again, and was definitely reading this statement off a paper.  I asked him if this meant that no Walgreens now would fill Soma, and the pharmacist read the same thing to me.  He chose to do this instead of talking to me like a person.  He was completely ignoring my pertinent, non-argumentative questions.  This was very aggravating and I felt it necessary to be 100% clear on what the pharmacist was attempting to get across to me.

I said that I need him to clarify this.  He began a another script-reading and I stopped him.  I told him I am a nurse, I am not arguing with him, I just needed to understand exactly what he was telling me.  Had Walgreens implemented a new rule that certain medications were not to be filled?  That doesn't make much monetary sense.  Was there some problem with my profile on their system?

Or was this a judgment call?

He refused to speak to me on a human level, and began to re-read the same thing.  At this point, I realized there was no getting through to this Pharmacist on the phone.  I asked him for his name, and he gave me his first name, which I already had from his voice mail.  I asked for his full name, and he hesitated, saying, "I don't usually give my last name", and proceeded to tell me.  I asked him to spell it, and he did.  I thanked him and hung up.  I was never angry or rude, I was calm and respectful.

Speechless, I began writing down everything that was said.  I looked his name up on the licensing board, and he looked to be related directly to Walgreens.  My friend then called the store and asked for the name of the store manager, who was not in at the time.  The assistant manager was eager to help, and gave the name of the Pharmacy manager when asked.  The Pharmacy manager is one and the same as the script-reading Pharmacist. Helpful assistant manager asked if he could do anything else, and at the time, that was all that was needed.

Recently, Carisoprodol was introduced into the DEA Schedule as a Schedule IV.  After January 11, 2012, Carisoprodol prescriptions are limited to 6 fills per prescription.  (Initial plus 5 refills)  I was aware of this change and my doctor's office also, letting me know last year that the doctor would need to write a new prescription to comply with the refill limits due to this change.  (The Walgreens I've gone to for years also alerted me to this)  Nothing else changed in the filling or refilling of this medication that affected me in any adverse way.

Until now.

Unable to find anything else that would clue me into why this one Pharmacist refused to refill this medication, I decided to go in person, and meet face to face.  We had spoken on the phone late, and I went in to his pharmacy the next day.  Unfortunately, he was not in, and would return after the weekend.  The Pharmacist there was not contracted with Walgreens, and was one of the nicest people I have met lately.  Smiling, he answered what he could of my many questions, letting me know that he could not fill the Soma because of what the other Pharmacist had done, and he was unable to override the manager.  I expressed my frustration with the pharmacy manager including his lack of communication skills and his inability to just talk to me and explain the situation.  It was recommended that the prescription be transferred across the street to another pharmacy, I agreed, and that was that.  The Soma was filled with no problem.  Yet I was not finished with this.  Too many unknowns.  I dislike unknowns in my own medical care.

A few days later, it was time to fill my monthly pain medication.  I have filled this same med at Walgreens Pharmacy for years, just as I have with my Soma.  I decided to take the security prescription to the same Pharmacist that had denied my Soma prescription.  I felt this would most likely not be a simple fill like usual, as this med is a Schedule II.  I was not looking for a challenge, I was hoping to simply meet the Pharmacist and let him see me, hear me, and understand that I am a stable and compliant patient, not a drug-seeker, or anything close to that.  If that was his reasoning for denying to refill the Soma, he made that call before he ever left me a voicemail that something was wrong with one of my prescriptions.  I could have easily filled this medication at the Walgreens by my physician's office where I have been a customer for years.

Again I went in, and again, the Pharmacy manager was not there, and again, the really nice Pharmacist that doesn't work for Walgreens was.  I had to laugh when handing him the prescription for my pain medication saying, "I imagine this will not go over very well considering what happened with my Soma."  He had more information this visit about the new rules that required the pharmacy to contact my physician, who then needed to write very detailed notes about my pain, if 'weaker' meds had been tried out, etc., and that this documentation would take a few days, leaving me without medication during this time.  I still wanted to speak to the manager.  My back was in severe pain and I was unable and unwilling to make a third trip back.  I realized then that I was not meant to meet the Pharmacist that had denied me a medication that allows my body some freedom of movement, some sort of help for the severe muscle spasms I have all day long.  I realized filling any type of medication related to pain was going to be a problem here.  I also realized that this Walgreens Pharmacy was not one that I wanted to be a customer of.  (Excluding the non-contracted Pharmacist from all of this-- he was so helpful, with excellent customer service skills and would be a perfect Pharmacy manager).

It didn't take long for me to decide that because of this one Pharmacist's judgment call, who has never met me, who only has a computer screen to 'know' me through, who never said, "why don't you come in tomorrow and I can explain this to you in person"; because of that I am now done with Walgreens Pharmacy altogether.

I recently moved just a few miles further south, and the Walgreens I speak of (with the Pharmacist and his interesting customer service style) would have gotten all of my business, both in the Pharmacy, and in the store.  It is convenient in location, it is the same familiar layout, all the little things that go with a place frequently shopped.  I did my best to try and establish a new and hopeful long-term relationship with the Pharmacist.  No attempt was made to contact me after I had gone in, and I made every effort to speak to him in person.

After my experiences in both nursing and as a patient, I understand there are some people that simply won't budge, who refuse to open up, and are all too quick to judge.  Decades of Pain Management have taught me to not waste time in any part of the treatment of my daily pain.  Let's all remember:  I live with severe spinal pain.  I am the patient here.  I am not the nurse, the manager, or the lawyer who must plead their case.  

When Walgreens Corporate receives my letter including my blogs address so they can read this, will they care?  Take note?  Respond?  Or am I just a person that really doesn't matter to them, even if I am a long-time loyal customer?  However it all shakes out, it took only one, one employee, one Pharmacist, one Pharmacy Manager; to quickly bring down what many other Walgreens Pharmacy employees have worked hard to build with me.  Tsk-tsk, Mr. B., you should be ashamed.

Oh, and when I filled my meds across the street, it definitely was personal.          

Gentle Hugs....

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  1. Sadly you are not the only one having issues with Walgreens. Many people in the back pain group I am a part of are having issues with them as well. They are now requesting MRI's, CT scans, EXTENSIVE doctors notes and treatment plans to even CONSIDER filling prescriptions for pain medications. Like you, the other people in my pain group are long term patients, some whom have been on the same medications for years. From what they have been able to discern, Walgreens is blaming the changes on a new FDA policy, but no one has been able to find said policy.

  2. I went through the exact same thing with My FORMER Walgreen's in Spokane, WA. I made them give me my prescription back, and am now a happy customer at a pharmacy across the street. I also spoke with my Dr. and he is calling Walgreen's to confirm this, and will then inform all of his patients that they should not use Walgreen's. :)

  3. Seems like I read a recent article on Walgreens, and their help on the "war on painkillers". Just seems to me, once again, the legal people are paying the price for the ones that are abusing drugs. Its a shame. They are always going to find their drugs, why punish the law-abiding people who are not the abusers.

  4. Shauna, I recently had a problem with Walgreen's too. My RX was for an injectable Solu-Cortef to have on-hand incase of an emergency. I have adrenal insuffiency and this drug could save my life in the case of serious illness/injury that could cause an adrenal crisis. I have been getting them for ten years plus from Walgreens. I cannot obtain this from my mail order pharmacy because it is an injectable drug. When I went to Walgreens they first asked me "WHY" I took this medication. (Uh, none of their business I think) and wouldn't give it to me w/o a letter from my doctor. It took me weeks to get this straighted out...........very stressful. If they gave me such a hassle for Solu-cortef, I understand how they would give you such a hard time.
    CVS is looking good to me now. Sorry you had to go through this.

  5. Shauna, I am currently leaving Walgreens in search of a new pharmacy myself. I thought it was just me being a grouchy old crippled guy until I read your post and the comments. Sorry they put you through this ... hang in there!

  6. I haven't had any trouble with Soma here yet. Perhaps the next refill? I will also leave Walgreens if that becomes a problem. I'm on the east coast so maybe it's a regional or state thing? I just got a refill on that about a month ago. I'll let you know if I have trouble with that in the future.

  7. Wow, what a pain in the rear end. I don't know why people like that can't understand they are dealing with real people with real problems. Sorry this happened to you. Best thing you can do is move your business to another place.

  8. I just had my Soma refill denied as well, when asking pharmacist why, I basically got responce that is was due to issues with DEA.He also stated it was due to other prescriptions Im currently on. I have severe back issues and anxiety with panic attacks that are definitely under control with my medication Also on pretty high pain med but it doesnt rid me of my pain just makes it tolerable..Im still in pain 24/7 but again tolerable and have to be extremely careful as to what I do on daily basis.Im glad I took the time to research this issue because I had no clue as to what the issue was. I too have had lifelong relationship with walgreens but now im worried about my other prescriptions with them, meaning Walgreens im no pharmacy hopper no dealer etc I also have contract with my doc to stay with one pharmacy which doesnt bother me one bit..but like other replies ive read here, was told by pharmacist I could have my soma transferred to another pharmacy, just not walgreens, I told him hey u know or should know by now about my contract evidently the close relationship I thought I had with them wasnt there at all..I just ended my conversation with him by saying I'll take this up with my doc...thanks to all of you who have posted now I understand the real truth here. I too will probably be saying goodbye to Walgreens as well, especially since im now worried about my other medications Thanks to all the people that use and abuse the medications that us in severe pain have to use to try to maintain a somewhat quality life as much as possible that is. Sorry but this is BS !!!!

  9. Hi Shauna,

    I'm so sorry you had to go through all that with Walgreens, sheesh...what a nightmare and hassle. I hope that you are now on the road to building a new relationship with another caring pharmacy?

    I have RSD/CRPS and I will NOT be using Walgreens for any of my medications ever again. They already got hit with the HUGE fine and now they are bleeding customers by the thousands. Can't help but hope they go under, not very Christian of me I know but they brought this on themselves. Hope you are doing well and that you have a zero pain day.♥hugs, Karen

  10. Completely takes this to a whole new level Whenever my DYING mother had to go 3 days without her meds - all because the "known" Walgreens was out of stock, had to go elsewhere for her, and wanted loads of the SAME info that the "known" Walgreens phoned and faxed to the Walgreens that did have the meds in stock.

    Should I ever set foot in Walgreens again I hope I am shot; I fell victim to their lies, deceits, and BS policy that ALL pharmacies must do this. It wasn't until I happened to call a CVS that I found this to be false.

    I only emphasize the fact she has not even a year left for a reason: THAT IS HOW LOW WALGRENS HAS GONE. I almost made my mother suffer DAYS (over a weekend) of agony & withdrawal for nothing. Walgreens YOU pay that $80M price - NOT the patients.

    Thank you Shauna and gentle hugs back to you. Now my mother and I both have our $65K a year in RX's outta their LYING HANDS. No sense in me repeating what you & others said so I'll just echo it all and add that DYING people are even subjected to this DISPICABLE so-called get outta jail free "policy". SHAME ON YOU WALGRENS & all you've done/doing!!!

  11. My experience is similar to yours with Walgreens Pharmacy in Indiana. I had several refills left on my prescription for Soma. I am also a chronic pain patient and have been getting my prescriptions filled at this same exact store, with the same exact script for 10 years. I am not a drug addict. I am a mother of four who worked a full time government job until I became a paraplegic, crippled in severe chronic pain.

    I called the Walgreens refill line to request my refill of Soma. A few hours later my daughter went to pick up my prescription. Instead of calling me to let me know there was a problem, they waited until she showed up and told her they would have to speak to my doctor for authorization before I could receive my medicine.

    I waited a week to receive my presciption, but instead, a pharmacist called and said Walgreens would no longer fill my Soma because I have been taking it too long! Who decided this? I asked her if they spoke with my doctor and she said yes. She said although they received my diagnosis, medical history and all the other information they requested, that the DEA is no longer allowing patients to take Soma on an extended basis because it's unsafe to do so. She said this medication will only be filled for 90 days per patient. I then asked why they held my prescription for a week to speak with my doctor if the DEA has this new policy in place anyway. Why didn't they tell me this a week ago? She said because it wasn't safe for me to take it with pain medication and phenergen.

    At that point called my doctor's office. I spoke to a nurse there who told me to just transfer the prescription to another pharmacy because they are being flooded with calls. I did so with absolutely no problems except I don't care for the generic brand the other pharmacy carries, but I'm stuck with it. Walgreens also refused to fill my prescription of phenergen!

    When it was time to fill my CII prescription for pain medication, like you, I knew I probably wasn't going to get it filled at Walgreens. Due to the fact a lot of other pharmacies don't keep this prescription in stock, I tried Walgreens first. My daughter went again this time with paper prescription in hand, to the pharmacist we have had a very positive relationship with for several years. He was very apologetic and said he could not fill the script. He looked on their computer system and someone had written on my account that they would not fill any of my pain prescriptions because the information they received from my doctor was "vague". The first pharmacist never mentioned that. Obviously, I went to a pharmacy other than Walgreens and had it filled with no problems except we had to go to 3 different stores before one had it in stock.

    Then the strangest thing happened. When I ran out of refills on my bottle of Soma, I called my doctor's office and requested they call in my refills to the new pharmacy I had transferred my prescription to. That evening, I called the new pharmacy to see if it was ready for pickup. I was told it was not called into them, but had been filled somewhere else. After checking with my insurance company I found it had accidentally been called into the old Walgreens pharmacy that had denied filling it previously. When I called them to find out what was going on with my prescription, they said it was ready for pickup. My daughter went there (yes, the same Walgreens that gave me the spiel about the DEA, drug interactions, blah blah) and she picked up my Soma prescription with no problems!?!?

    They still refuse to fill any other narcotic prescription. I am so confused!

    (continued below)

  12. (continued from above)

    Needless to say, I am also a new customer at another pharmacy and Walgreens will no longer receive the thousands of dollars they were making off just me. I transferred all of my 13 prescriptions I must take to someone that wants my business. I complied with Walgreens' new policy to speak with my doctor after waiting a week. They now have all my personal information on file for all their pharmacists and pharmacy techs to see. Yet they still refuse to fill my pain medication prescriptions. I have more than enough documentation of diagnosis (MRI's, myelogram, EMG's, etc.). There is enough documentation that my doctors tried other meds and procedures before a life of pain management (physical therapy x2 leaving me in worse pain, steroid injections, additional surgeries, non narcotic meds, tens units, massage, etc etc). They have my medical history. I have done absolutely nothing wrong. I have never failed the urine screens I must take at each visit to my doctor. I have never failed a blood test. To me, Walgreens has discriminated against their customers for disabling conditions which require pain medication. They do not care.

    I depended on their company. I went through their new procedures and patiently went without the medications I need to get through each day only to be lied to several times over and left to wait in agony needlessly. Never once did they tell me that my doctor and I were jumping through hoops because of their own negligence! Soon after my experience, our local news station began covering the story of why Walgreens is implementing their new "policies", due to their $80 million lawsuit for filling fraudulent prescriptions!! While this explains their new policies, it doesn't explain why Walgreens pharmacists lie and deceive customers.

    These are the links to the story covered by our local news station:



    I am sorry this is so long, but even more, I am so sorry for everyone going through this nightmare. It's bad enough to be sick, then to be treated so poorly, going without medications and having to go through so much BS just to receive medication is downright unnecessary and cruel.

  13. Hi Shauna, I'm so sorry to hear what happened and I completely understand your concerns. I will be happy to have management look into your concerns. Please email us at walgreenscares@walgreens.com or private message us on Facebook. Thank you,Sarah.

  14. Spokane WA.
    I am writing this because I have a need inside of me to help all the people I find. I have always understood that no amount of Medicine. Will be adequate unless you yourself, or WE, understand that it takes an investment on our parts to bridge the gap left from the Drs, nurses, pharmacists, and all the money grubbing medical employees. I ask you, what kind of person. In all good conscience. Could work in the medical field, knowing full well. That you will indeed be expected to help some of the most defenseless people in our society. Only to forget the needs of the helpless, with an excuse of, "I am now accountable for the methodology of treatment I provide for my patients". Therefore in regard to my accountabilities, of providing adequate medical care in line with a patients needs. I would rather diminish my quality of care. So that if I am negligent in my ethical mandate to "care for my fellow man". I will not have to be accountable. How can these charlatans still don the coat of a Healer, Care Giver, or medical unprofessional. Pretending to live in that role. Why didn't they stand up to the brutal crack down on legitimate patients. How is it that we all did not stand up to the ignorant stereotyping, and my friends, the profiling & discrimination. I absolutely without a doubt. Unequivocally assure you that we can not only bring a class action law suit against Walgreens. We can win a lawsuit against Walgreens. They are profiling, and discriminating the good and the bad alike. Yes there are lying, WEAK, individuals. Who in no way, should be taking and abusing any and all things they can. But last time I checked.
    Profiling, and discriminating wholesale, regarding medications. Is a crime. All people have the right, to pursue happiness. We are innocent until proven guilty. -continued-
    Matt K

  15. Spokane WA

    I have been diagnosed, and treated for RSD for 12 years. I have been to many specialists and pain clinics who supported and worked towards a treatment for me. I HAVE NEVER FELT SO ALONE. I HAVE NEVER EVEN IMAGINED HOW PAINFUL EVERY ASPECT OF A LIFE WITH RSD IS. I WEEP FOR THOSE WHO IN THEIR DESPAIR, FELT THEY COULD STAND TO THE TIDE NO MORE. After many years of struggling to bridge the gap between the treatments and the reality of my pain. I changed insurance and accepted a new Dr who agreed to treat me. He said he would take over my treatment, and he would write my Rx's. I thanked him and took him up on his offer. In the 18 months he did this. Not once did he manage my RSD needs. He only cared and asked about the medication. When I told him my feet were starting to cause many problems and pain. I asked him to treat me for diabetes. I prayed for it to be diabetes. It wasn't. .. THEN HE TOLD ME I ALREADY TAKE THE MEDICATION THAT THEY WOULD GIVE FOR THE PAIN. He never addressed it again. I told him that the Walgreens pharmacist started mandating I actually have to go get my medication on the day after I ran out of my medication. He didn't care. I went to another Walgreens and asked the pharmacist to pull up my history, and assess my "Early refills". She claimed I was doing. The other pharmacist checked and then told me, I was not a problem at all. She advised me to come to her and she would happily fill my RXS, 1 to 2 days early. So I would not go without because of "no stock on hand", which is more often than you know of. I did go to her. BUT, that BITCH, pharmacist from the first Walgreens called my Dr and lied to him about me having a problem. My Dr than proceeded to write a date on the Rx, forcing me to go without in order to get s refill. I told him my script didn't take into account this month with 31 days. He didn't care. I told him "even tho I have been scared to tell you that I cannot do that". I have to say that I have a ethical right to my pain being treated. I have worried about you dumping me as a patient. And I have watched my life and work towards a life. All be destroyed. With the RSD spread. He advised me that he was dismissing me as a patient. ALL ALONE NOW. RSD FULL BLOWN. STRUGGLING TO FIND THE MAN, WHO I USED TO BE. SO I CAN STILL CARRY ON, ONE DAY AT A TIME. ..
    Please let us unite against the common enemy. Before is to late...

    Matt K

  16. To everyone that wrote,


    Thank you for your stories, for sharing your experiences. I am amazed how many of your stories mirror mine, almost to the T.

    Walgreen's corporate has contacted me, and I have published this. I have not followed up with them as of yet, I just saw the comment.

    Matt K,

    I feel helpless reading your words. At the same time, I completely understand--much more than you will know, as our stories also mirror the other's in many areas. Fell free to use the contact me form at the top right by my name anytime--I care deeply about the injustices being done to others, and to myself in this world of daily pain. I am getting tired, I am feeling beat down. It is a battle, every day. Every moment. I don't understand why this is going on in America. I can only hope and pray that you have a tolerable pain day--after all, that is all we have to work with...today. Otherwise it is too overwhelming.

    Thanks everyone,



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