Sunday, April 13, 2008

Opiates and Digestive Problems

By the time most people have made it to a Pain Doctor, it is not unusual for these Pain Patients to agree with their doctor to start on (or continue) Opiates. From Hydrocodone, (Vicodin), to Morphine, opiates can and will slow your digestive system down; especially problems with constipation.

It is important to up the water intake, but not go overboard, or you can end up with water intoxication. It has happened to me as I pounded down bottle after bottle of water. Luckily, I lived with a doctor who noticed it before I did. He said I was starting to talk a little incoherently. (And all this time I thought that's just how I talk!!) I had started swelling terribly in my feet also. Water intoxication can cause: abdominal cramps, dizziness, lethargy, vomiting, convulsions and coma.

Your doctor will probably suggest that you take "Colace", a stool softener. That helps, but doesn't fix the problem of the constipation itself.

Suddenly on scene comes yogurt, little bottles of liquid, and cheese that have active cultures targeting the digestive system. "Activia", was the first on the scene here in America to be advertised for this. They have a 14 day guarantee too.

I tried "Activia", and was absolutely astonished at how well it does work. If people that do not take Opiates are having that type of trouble, and are getting relief with these products, just imagine what it could do for those of us that are always in a semi-state of constipation. I tried it for the 14 days, and was not looking for anything 'back' after those two weeks!

If you suffer from chronic constipation due to Opiate use, or any other reason; give Activia a try. There is one thing about products that work. We have to USE them! I can forget easily to eat it every day, until I changed my routine to include it in my snacks every day. Get in the habit of eating it. If you don't like yogurt, there is cheese as I mentioned, and the little drinks. You can throw them in with your water bottle in the morning or whenever you go to work, or have it ready at home if you don't work outside the home, and make it part of your daily routine. I always have it in the refrigerator.

Constipation is not funny, or fun. It is a state that your body does not want to be in. It causes great pain and affects what jeans you can fit into. Without getting too technical, these products support having a natural, easy bowel movement; anyone who has sat and sat and sat and waited-- to only end up having a bowel movement in great pain, these digestive-helpers will make such a big change in the pain area that you will want to get some ASAP.

Oh, and drink an extra bottle of water for the day....remember, not too many!!

I wish you a low or pain-free day!


  1. Thanks for the tip about Activia. I always end up stopping opiates and opioids after two or three days because of these side effects.

  2. Shauna,

    Hi there!!!! I tell you, that Activia REALLY works IF you eat if every day. I was amazed! My problem, although it is always in my fridge, is not eating it every day, and I really notice the difference!

    I wish you a low or no pain day!!!!! So nice to see you here!! :-)

  3. I know what you mean about things staying in the fridge. My guts hurt less if I eat yogurt every day. But do I do it? No. When I have a snack, I want to eat something I like.


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