Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Reality Of Filling Monthly Medications For Pain Patients

Filling medications should not be a huge undertaking. For anyone. Especially when it is the patient themselves, the pain patient, that is taking the steps required to obtain our very needed medications to live a life with the least amount of pain possible.

In talking and listening to others, those that are NOT living a life of pain, and especially those that do not understand the life of a Chronic Pain Patient; this group tends to think that our meds are:

#1) Simple to obtain--Period.
#2) Called in by the doctor to the Pharmacist.
#3) Always available at any Pharmacy.
#4) Not a hassle in any way, we just pick them up.

And now for the reality of filling monthly medications. Here is the 3-day odyssey that I went through simply to fill my monthly medications, that had no changes, no new medications added, nothing different from last month.