Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Exacerbates Your Chronic Pain?

Some factors that make our pain worse are common sense, other reasons are not so apparent.

The things we do, such as a new exercise, exerting ourselves physically, and outright stress are the common sense side of the things we do that can make our pain increase.  

Here are a few things to ponder, if you are having a spike in pain levels and can not quite figure out just what you have done to increase them! 

Those who live with pain know that there can be an increase in pain levels without having done anything at all that is new, stressful physically,or emotionally.  Pain has it's own 'mind' at times, and seems to just do whatever 'it' wants to.  Yet if we make note of our pain levels and see a pattern of sorts, that may show the hidden activities and thoughts that are increasing our pain.

So, for starters, try to keep a log of your pain levels.  I keep a medication log daily.  Kind of a crossover from nursing, having to keep accurate records of medications given to patients.  This has helped me to remember exactly what was taken when, how much, what the effect was, and this also keeps a count of all medications.  This is a habit for me, I feel odd to even take two Naproxen Sodium without writing it down.

Call me what you will, but it works for me.  I know too many people that just pop their meds when pain is bad, and then forget exactly when it was, what worked and didn't work, and when the next dose is due.  If you take a medication every 12 hours, then one every 4, and one twice a day, for instance, how on earth is one to remember what was taken, and when without noting it down?  This worry alone can increase pain!

Some of the hidden ways that pain can be increased are:  A change in medication; either in type, dosage, timing, or stopping a med completely.  Not taking care to stretch or pay attention to your muscles can result in increased pain when those muscles are even slightly overused. 

As I mentioned above, emotional stress can increase pain levels, but it is easy to pass pain off on more tangible reasons.  Stress in your life causes muscle tension, which increases pain levels, which increase muscle tension/ muscle spasms.  It can become a catch 22 that is hard to solve.

I will write further about how to keep that medication log; exactly what to start out with--just trying to write it all down without a plan, can be messy and aggravating!

Gentle Hugs...


  1. Just checking back to read any postings you may have written.

    I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

  2. Hey Shauna!

    It's ironic you posted this today, as I am totally down & out from some changes I made.

    It is so frustrating when you try something new to ease the pain...only for it to backfire & send you into more pain.

    The question I keep trying these new alternatives, as I do think I will fell worse before I feel better...but not only do I feel like hell, it's interfering with every aspect of my life!


  3. Hey there Convnitkepr!

    Nice to see you, thanks for checking back with me. I've been over at your place and thought I had followed your blog....I'll take care of that now!!

    Dear Jess,

    Oh honey, I know the changes we make can sometimes seem like they are futile; but in the long run they can really help. I'll be 'blog-traveling' this morning, see you at your place!! Take care Jess!

    Gentle Hugs....

  4. Shauna, It is hard to keep track of meds, especially when you are really feeling sick. I have FOUR pills that are all just about the same size and white...those confuse the shit out of me at times. Keeping a log is a really good idea, I might start doing it.

  5. Thanks for the reminder! I have been meaning to keep a written account of what meds I take for a long time. Thankfully, this will be easier as today is my first completely Lyrica free day in a long time! One less thing to write down makes the whole task seem less imposing ;) x

  6. Dearest Mo,

    Ahhh the famous white pills!! Wouldn't you think that with all the colors we know of, that there could be just a FEW more than so many white ones?? LOL I am going to post today exactly how I keep my med log, as it really is tough to just write them down without a template of sorts. Hope that it will help you a bit honey!

    Hi there Hayley!!

    Lyrica-free huh? What brought about this change? I am of course hoping that it will be a beneficial one and that the reason you are stopping it is because your pain is lower?? Or the neuropathy is less? I am blog-traveling today and hope to see something at your place that explains this. Just keep an eye on your pain levels honey as you stop any medication and keep a log of how you're doing. When we go to the doc either monthly or even less often, it is very hard to remember exactly how we may have felt the previous weeks.

    Take care my friends,

    Gentle Hugs for you both---<3

  7. Thank you for posting this. I think this is crucial for all of us who suffer chronically. Love your blog.

    keep strong :)


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