Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Good Samaritan Law--Have You Ever 'Used' This?

The Good Samaritan Law--What Is This?  

The Good Samaritan Law is a legal stipulation for protection of those who give first aid in an emergency situation.  The necessity for such legislation arose when physicians who assisted in giving emergency care were later accused of malpractice by the victim.

Can you imagine yourself being saved by someone, then later actually suing them, accusing them of malpractice?  I find this unimaginable and shows the abuse of the legal system to the 'sue-happy' people in our society.

I would be forever grateful to anyone that took the time to stop in an accident or emergency situation, and help!  I was in this situation, both on the receiving end first, and the giving end second.

When I was staggering around in shock after the van I was in had rolled over multiple times, a person that lived on the street nearest to the accident scene took the time and cared enough to help multiple victims of the rollover.  Never would I think of then turning around and pressing legal charges against these people!!  Their actions of simply calling 911 for us, and providing a safe environment for us to be in while we awaited the first responders to the accident scene will always be remembered.

After I was a nurse, I was driving home from work when I came upon an accident scene.  The victim was a bicyclist who had run head-on into a car, gone through the windshield, and back out again.  We happened on the scene immediately after this had occurred, and the bicyclist was lying on the ground, the car was there with a huge hole in the windshield, and I pulled the car over to the side, and ran across the street.

The victim was lying on his back, he was still breathing, and had a heartbeat.  When I was kneeiling next to him, I noticed that he had begun bleeding from the side of his head.  A few passers by had stopped and were standing around and I shouted for them to call 911.  (This was before everyone had a cell phone.)  I asked for one of the perople there to give me a shirt, a cloth, anything to press against the bleeding.  One guy ripped his T-shirt off and I bunched it up, and held it against the side of his head.  I was careful not to move the victim in any way.  

No CPR was needed, and the victim did not need rescue breathing.  He did, however, need to have the area that was bleeding attended to.  I felt so helpless- even knowing I was doing everything I could at the time.

When Paramedics arrived, they took over and I waited to tell them what had happened.  It all went by so quickly, as most emergency situations do.  They thanked me for my help, and off they screamed, sirens blaring.  I knew the hospital they were going to, and actually knew the ER staff on that afternoon.  I prayed for the victim to receive the excellent care that he would, and for everything to work out in his favor.

I never knew what happened to that man, but I would sure be astounded if I was to one day find that he was suing me for helping him at the accident scene!  I knew that the Good Samaritan Law covered me in that situation, but with my attitude of only wanting to help, it still would have been surprising to find the person wanted to get monetary compensation through suing me.  Of course we would all expect that the victim would focus on the car that had been involved in the accident.

It is sad that we have to put these types of laws into place, but in the world we are in now, it is only reasonable to cover those that simply are trying to help their fellow man, and be a Good Samaritan.

Have you ever been involved in this type of situation where the Good Samaritan Law was used?  I would love to hear your stories.

With Gentle Hugs......

Research Source: Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, edition 16

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