Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chocolate & Vicodin: A Book Review

I opened the book Chocolate & Vicodin by author, blogger and headache sufferer Jennette Fulda, and did not put it down until my stomach was yelling at me three hours later to stop the hours of reading and take a break!

Jennette's newly-released book has grabbed the attention of many; above all, those that also suffer from debilitating headaches.  This is a must read for all who have ever gone down the road to attempt a cure for chronic headaches.

In Chocolate & Vicodin, Jennette chronicles her long journey to find relief for the 'Headache That Wouldn't Go Away."  I know that many of my regular readers can relate, whether it be pain in your head, or pain in other parts of the body. We are all seeking the same thing: A CURE.

Jennette's writing style is brutally honest, (My kind of gal!), funny, the LOL kind of funny, and descriptive, my favorite writing style.  From the colors of the walls in various doctor's office waiting rooms, to the smells that accompanied each visit for her next diagnostic test, you will feel as if you are sitting right there with her as she waits for test #108 to start.     

Pain is quite an amazing partner.  Just because Jennette's pain is in her head, (and I am not insinuating that she is making it up), her story is just as relateable as if she was writing about Thoracic spine pain in my account, for instance.  One line she writes says so much for all pain sufferers:

......"The only people who seemed to understand how to talk to someone with a chronic illness were other people who were sick.".......AND ......."Pain was lonely.  I wanted someone to stand next to me and share my view of the world."

 From massage to neurosurgeons, from neurotransmitters to marijuana, chiropractors to shots of vodka; Jennette has tried it all in her quest to find a cure for her one very long, very bad headache.  Her writing will have you definitely laughing out loud.  The book is hard to put down once you get to the 2nd page.  I recommend Chocolate & Vicodin to all chronic pain patients, and also to anyone who would just like a really great, insightful, smart, funny and informative book to read. 

You can find Chocolate & Vicodin at bookstores, on Jennette's site, PastaQueen.  I really think that you will enjoy it!! 

Gentle Hugs......(cuz she has a really bad headache!!)


  1. Well Shauna....I am definately buying this book. I don't suffer from headaches (so Glad) but I am chronic-whiney-bitchy-sicky-gal who will probably relate to her story anyway. Sick is sick, whatever it is called.

    Hope you are having a decent day!


  2. Dear Mo,

    You will really LOVE this book!! Jennette's writing style is so fun to read, she is a funny gal and transfers that into her writing. Even though we may not have pain in the same area, you will relate, as I did, to her quest for relief and THE ANSWER!! We all are looking for that when dealing with pain on a daily basis.

    Btw, she also wrote a book called, "Half-Assed", which chronicles her story of weight loss--she lost half her body weight!

    Thanks for your fantastic comments!!
    Gentle Hugs-----<3

  3. Hi Ric,

    Yes, everyone must have a proper doctor's consult, diagnosis and thorough discussion about any medications being prescribed before taking ANY drug. Of course, no one should be taking any non-OTC med without a proper doctor's prescription anyway....

    Btw, on any responsible medical/health related blog you will find a disclaimer in which the writer(s) advise and remind readers that anything written is not to take the place of a physician's visit, consult, or recommendation!

    Here you will always get....
    Gentle Hugs!!!


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