Thursday, August 14, 2008

Where I've Been

Wow. I have never left my blog without a post for 14 days. I feel very mad at myself, and as if I let myself down. I must realize that I write this (also), for others!! The visitors I get that are repeat, which are over 80% of my visits, are just seeing the same thing day after day, for a half a month now. I get bored when I go to a blog and see the same thing for over 4 days or so. Sorry for the boredom, it’s been an odd 14 days!

Writing a blog is time consuming and although some posts just fly out, as this one is doing, some I choose to do research, usually the medical ones, and that requires time, attention, work, and commitment.

I am lacking in those attributes concerning this blog; and I have been lacking for the past 4 weeks. I am not strong. I am not well. You know when your body is not right. And when I have made it to the computer to try and write here, I find that all that naturally comes out is writing about what has been happening to me. Then I start second-guessing myself: Will this be boring? Will my readers get anything out of these words I want to type? Will I dare go against one of the character traits that I have, and like: I am not a whiner. Won't this all sound like a bunch of "poor me's?" Anyone that reads my blog on a regular basis would spot it right away. Maybe it is meant to be written. If that is all I can think when I begin to think of my topic, isn't it meant to be?

I will now attack the past two plus weeks in my life. It has obviously affected me and my blog, and I don't want that to happen. I know now as I write that this is exactly what needs to be done. Then I will be in the open place that normally surrounds me when I write. I will be free.

I mentioned once here, an odd blister that spontaneously (suddenly), appeared on my lower leg. It showed up about a month ago. It was about 4 inches long, 2+ wide and over two inches high. Yep, it was BIG! There was a thicker than normal skin also. Walking to get coffee one morning, I felt an odd sensation as the yet-unseen blister brushed against my PJ's, with each step I took. When I pulled up the pant legs to see what it was, I was very surprised at what I saw, to say the least. It had not been there the night before. How did this happen? Why?

The color was not of your normal blister either. It was a soft amber shade, no clear to white to light pink translucent colors that are usually seen. In 17 years of nursing, I had never seen one like this. I was quite bothered and called my doc, and was going in the next day. I took lots of pictures, and wore my scrubs which had loose legs, with my coworkers coming over from other departments when they heard about "Shauna's Blister!" It had already become a legend!

Some nurses said it looked like a burn. Not! Some thought friction caused it. Let's just say any friction was sure not in the area of the blister!! ;-) More than one said a spider bite. That I could learn toward. Lot’s of spiders here! I've had a skin infection that has gone undiagnosed for 2 years. Yep, including specialists. No answer, no idea, no diagnosis- therefore, no cure. I missed the doc appointment the next day, working later than I was scheduled, but figured he couldn't do anything anyway. Contrary to public belief, it is not good to poke a blister and 'drain it'. A blister should be left alone until it pops on it's own, or is opened up in the manner that mine was. Unless, of course, it is a blood or ‘regular’ blister on your foot or other areas, and repetitive motion will cause pain, or the blister is very painful already, and feels 'full'. Mine may have been drained to get rid of the possible infected liquid inside.

Through washing my leg gently in the shower one day, the blister split directly in half horizontally. Because I was in the shower, I couldn't really identify the color and amount of drainage, but I did see some serosanguineous fluid. Serosanguineous contains serum and blood. After the fact, I have read that if this type of blister is seen, medical intervention must begin, before the blister pops.

My doctor told me one day that nurses are notorious for ignoring their own health issues, not being compliant patients. We will drag it out, thinking we are fine. I am good at yearly paps and mammograms, but this I just left. I had other things to take care of. The skin underneath did not look healthy. I knew my doc needed to see the wound, and made another appointment, promising this time I would be there!! As I was changing the dressing one day, I uncovered something I thought I'd never see on myself. The wound was black. It had become necrotic! As quickly as the blister had appeared, the wound went from skin that was trying to heal, to necrosis.

Necrotic tissue is tissue that has died. There are no vessels to bring the needed blood to the skin, and quite soon the tissue will just die. The color is black, and it is hard to the touch. It was not painful, but bothersome and tender. The doctor was as amazed as I. It had happened so fast! He told me to use a WTD dressing, Wet to dry means simply having a layer of semi-wet gauze or other similar material next to the wound, covered then by dry gauze/dressing. He told me to use some Vitamin E cream or oil, and as he told me what I already knew, that this wound was going to leave quite the scar, and the Vit. E cream would help. I was to return in 2 weeks.

As the 2 weeks went by, the wound remained the same. Same in size, in color, in hardness, regardless of the WTD dressing, and the Vit E oil I was using. But near the time to see him, something else was happening, the area became more and more tender, the pain became worse, and I saw the beginnings of what was to become an infected necrotic wound. The skin around the blackness was pink and raised, warm to the touch, and painful. All the classic signs of infection.

When I saw my doc, he was saddened to see that it had definitely become infected. I had used such care in dressing it, using a windowpane taping technique, to keep as much air and germs out as possible. He pushed on the area around the wound to see if anything could be expressed, and he wanted to see also what would come out, if anything. OMG when he was pressing around it, directly next to and sometimes on the pink skin, it hurt very much. He did express thick liquid substance out of the sides, confirming the infection diagnosis. Now it was time to put me on antibiotics. And he instructed me to dress it this time using antibiotic ointment directly on and around the wound, covered by a simple dressing.

Today is the last day of the antibiotics. I need to stay on them, as the lesion is still infected, and looks scary to me. Scary is not my normal nursing terminology, but I was scared. The pain is tremendous. Now I am to see him in a few days, and my thoughts go to two things that he will want to do, as this cannot be left any longer as it is. What many docs do is to debride the necrotic tissue, leaving just the hopefully healthy tissue underneath to heal. Or, they will perform surgery, going in much deeper, getting all the involved tissue out, and then pulling the skin together, to stitch it shut, leaving a nice scar instead of a gaping hole in my leg. I vote for the surgery.

During this ordeal, somehow, I contracted an infection on my scalp. That has been part of this unknown skin problem occasionally, but never to this extent of pain. It is so tender to the touch, hard to wash or brush without pain, and he had to just take one look that day at my scalp to tell me that it was infected too. He said it was impetigo. Now that was a surprise! After researching impetigo, which I conjure up as children with it on their nose, I found there are three types. The one I fall under from the symptom list and pictures is not something that I want to fool around with either. The certain bacteria or viruses that I may be dealing with could finally quench my yearning for an answer to this! Maybe my problem will finally be diagnosed, after that connection, and the leg lesion. I want him to culture it, if he isn’t going to already. One of my biggest worries is that this all will cause sepsis. I have not felt well for the last month or more. Just such little energy, no appetite, and on top of this, my back pain decided to kick in and throw me down to the ground for 5 days straight. This has happened before, the days straight of pain, but this time, it felt different in an odd way. As if my vertebrae were on fire. Deep, deep inside my spine and cord, it felt hot and also stabbing. Something new is happening back there.

Possibly another osteophyte that has finally made its way to touch the spinal cord. Or one of my herniated discs could be bulging just enough to press on the nerves, causing such searing pain. Maybe some scar tissue.

This is why I have not been writing. Now it’s out of me, and although this is has taken 2 days to finish and get published, I feel as if I can talk about this, and then move on to other subjects, including updates on this whole blister situation. This has been part of my life lately, a big part! It is different and unusual. Nearly everything about it has been odd.

I am so accustomed to dealing with pain that I tend to wait too long to seek medical attention. I know that is how I have had tooth abscesses way too long, before I get myself to the dentist. There are days of other problems physically in the past that I have just dealt with. Like I do my back pain. I am a Chronic Pain patient and we learn how to not cry at the first medical problem that we have. We know how to manage pain over extended periods of time, always aware that there is no end in sight to the pain.

I regret not getting help sooner, but I also did not expect to have the lesion under the blister turn necrotic in such a short time! Something like that will bring me out of my world of long-term pain care, and seek help.

I’ll write more when there is more to say. As of today, it is all good, I am trying to keep a positive attitude, as I do with my regular pain. And you know something?

If I hadn’t ever experienced pain lasting longer than 6 months, I would not have the natural empathy I have, strengthened by the suffering, which I do not even experience as suffering. It is a great word to use for description when writing. Yet I do not…remember??….some cheese with that whine? Not me! I’m not one that hangs on to what I experience with my pain, in my pain. It is, more for me, the way it fits into my life, and that is the challenge that I have for possibly 2 hours, maybe 12, how about 24? Others may experience that in their jobs. Everyone I know has a beef with something regarding their employment. So they deal with work, and I deal with pain. Then, we all as humans move on to the next item in our lives that need attention.

We go on. We attend to, pay attention to and work hard at what ever our next task is! Children, work, family, friends, homes-

That is life! And if you face a challenge medically, that bothers you and may be serious, or you experience pain lasting longer than 6 months, or you inject your insulin daily, you DEAL WITH IT. And you all know exactly what I mean!

That, all comes down to one word. Suffering.

Yet remember, I’m not one to say ‘help’ (even if I need it but that’s my deal), and you may be that way too….so the number one rule to remember is: Suffering = Challenge.

Quite the Nice Life Lesson we have been given!!

I will be here I promise!

"The Only Constant in Change."


  1. A little cheese with that whine, not hardly. You are writhing from your heart. If you feel it, others do too. I was hanging on every word.

    I have not heard of any of the terms you used. I do understand the trials you have been through. You explained it in such detail that I know what is going on. It is frightening.

    Nevertheless, I am aware of a procedure a relative is having performed, apligraf. She had a blister. It became infected. The area would not heal. They cleaned dead tissue from her wound for over a year. Finally, she is having this apligraf performed in two weeks.

    I am so sorry you are experiencing so much pain. You would have to be insane not to be afraid of what is going to happen to you next. You have already been through a great deal in such a short time frame.

    Anything is better that not knowing. Thank you for sharing what could not have been easy for you to deliver.

  2. Dearest Mckay,

    I am crying after reading your heartfelt comment. Thank you for not judging me, (which was something I was afraid of), but I know of all people you wouldn't. And isn't it crazy that I think at all about the word judgment? Must be one of those chronic pain things. lol I think we are so used to either downplaying our issues, as so many of all of our illnesses are Hidden ones!!! I suppose it's hard to then deal with an outer issue non-related to our chronic pain.

    Is the surgery your relative is having, going to be more of a grafting of skin over the unhealed area? Or more as I was speaking of, where the end result is having all that tissue out, and a nice scar instead of a depressed very large and uneven scar. I don't know if it could even be called a scar if left like that!! I have looked up Apligraf in my Taber's Medical Dictionary, and found nothing. Too tired to research right now....I'll check into it tomorrow.

    I am worried about the next step. I was just reading about Spider Bites, and the Brown Recluse symptoms are exactly mine! Hmmmm, now no self-diagnosing!! ;-X

    Thanks again for your understanding and support. This does have to be one of the oddest events medically that has ever happened to me!

    Kindred Spirits and Gentle Hugs,

    Shauna ;-)

  3. You poor thing! I'm sorry I didn't nag you about getting that blister checked out. I have never heard of anything like this either, and I'm a magnet for people who want to talk about their unusual illnesses. Please take good care of yourself, and please promise me you'll go to all your doctor appointments and get the organisms cultured as soon as possible.

    On the good side, at least no alien baby popped out of the blister. [feeble attempt at humor]

  4. Dear Shauna,

    YOU are the one that commented on the famous blister when it first appeared, and I remember you telling me to get it checked out!! Girl, it is sure not your responsibility to 'nag' me...we both know that, and this just happened to be during a really crazy-busy time too. Easy to take our eyes off what is right in front of them!

    It makes me happy to hear your words that you are a 'magnet' for this kind of thing--thanks Shauna b/c it is tough to lay it all out there! But life- is people's stories. Everyone has one. Daily we write these stories, if everyone could just write it down; for it is what makes us all human.

    Love to my dear friend and dam what a name! "-)

    P.S. Feeble, yes, yet almost something I might have just stared at and sighed. May have tried petting it! Another 'thing', to add to the list! hehe

  5. Hi Shauna. I know exactly what you mean when you say blogging can be time-consuming. It really is, though I guess we all do it because we have information to share (which is really why I prefer blogging to other types of social media). I saw you dropped by my page at mybloglog (don't know when, I haven't logged in there in a while) and I just wanted to say Hi. You have good information so I'll get you on my blogroll (
    in the next day or so.

  6. How are you doing? Please post, however briefly, just a few words would be enough, and let us know that you're okay or what is going on. I'm worried about your leg.

  7. Hi hi hi Disability Blogger!!! Yes I went to your page, and I, too, will add you to my list on the blog. Thank you very much. I am always humbled at others doing that. I hope your day is a no or low pain day...I am ok today. Using an Icy Hot Patch for the first time and the cold part is nice, keeping the pain at bay for now.

    Thank you again for commenting, and oh yes, blogging is a real time-consuming 'hobby'! I feel so bad when I don't write as often as I'd like to.

    Shauna :-)

  8. Hey Shauna,

    I'm ok has been a very odd week, the leg is ok, still looking infected, but a bit better. As you and the other girls know, us women get such a great side effect from antibiotics sometimes, and other problems that I really can't write about here. I'm a bit concerned about a couple things.

    I see the doc this Wed. Thought it was last week, but guess he wanted to give the anti-B's time to work and see the results.

    I'll write and let you know what happens on Wed. Thanks so much Shauna for your care and concern. What a soul you are! :-)

    Your namesake!

  9. Shauna,

    It is perfectly understandable and HEALTHY that you took some time off of blogging when you are going through so much!! Please don't ever feel you have to explain or justify yourself to anyone. Self-care is crucial. You did what you had to do. I hope that your blister will completely clear up as soon as possible. It may sound corny but try to meditate while visualizing the area getting better. I'm talking about seriously focusing your energy like a laser on the skin healing, what you want the area to look like, etc. It can't hurt to try it. It's free and even if it doesn't directly help your blister, it will help you relax. Since stress is the worst thing for illnesses, that will help at least indirectly. Lie down or sit comfortably, breathe deeply, visualize your blister healing and how you want it to look and feel. Please don't beat yourself up about not blogging. Breaks from blogging are necessary for various reasons. I've taken a break from mine recently due to a family emergency & will be slowing way down on blogging! You don't owe anyone any explanation. Focus the limited & precious energy you have on healing and getting well. Don't fret over your blogging frequency. Take care of yourself! That's what's most important. My thoughts will be with you. Think positive thoughts during this time especially. It matters.


  10. Jeanne,

    Hi dearest!! How are you??
    Thank you for the support Jeanne in taking care of myself when I have to, and the energy level is low; not enough for blogging. I won't let it bother me, but I LIKE to do it, I like to write here, and then all the networking know how it can get, and then we haven't even posted our own post, we get so caught up in all that.

    I'll keep you informed dear lady, and hope that things are calming down on your end.

    Peace hun!

  11. Shauna,

    I'm hanging in there. I understand "not enough energy for blogging"!! I like to do it too but that doesn't mean I can do it as often as I like. I have seen how my readership has dropped off noticeably after just a brief respite from blogging but that's a drop I'll have to take. I need to take care of myself and my family. Blogging can't come before that! Yes, please keep me informed. When your energy improves, please come and visit my blog. Your insights are very valuable! Well... I'm hanging in there. "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger", as the saying goes.



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