Friday, August 29, 2008

Up All Night

It's 5:36 a.m., and I'm still up--again. I need to be at the doctor's in less than 3 1/2 hours, why bother with any sleep now? (Says my mind.)

NO! I will not allow this horrible insomnia take over my life, rendering me useless and stupid the next day, with much worse pain to deal with. I chose not to take a sleeping pill the doc gave me a few samples of, as I didn't want to sleep past the doc offices before noon only-- Friday hours.

I need the PPD test that was given for work yesterday, and needs to be checked and give me a letter stating it is negative. Which it is. The PPD test is for Tuberculosis and any health care worker should have it. Just a little bubble put by needle, just barely under your skin and wait 3 days for any sign of swelling, a bump over the injection site, or redness.

I really don't think that I am the only one up in the world of Blogosphere; that odd time of night is coming to a close, and the sun is rising very soon. Circadian rhythm kicks in and well, you know.

I have an odd feeling that I have just a 'few' fellow posters out there doing the same thing.

Up all night..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......again.

"The Only Constant in Change."


  1. Shauna,

    3:29 am & still awake. It's not just you...


  2. Hi Shauna,

    I was reading through your blog and you bio and all I can say is that I admire your bravery and your will. I'm so sorry to hear about that hazing incident.

    But you've got the right attitude and I'm looking forward to reading about things go for you.


  3. Shauna,

    I too deal with chronic pain from MS and Fibromyalgia. This post brings back many memories of my nights before medication.

    I admire your strenght and courage and would like to add your link to my blogroll.


  4. Jeanne,

    I guess I was right! You up all night too huh....what is up with us girl?? I miss you and will be reading your blog shortly. love ya honey.


    Thank you so much for your encouraging and supportive words, they mean a lot when dealing with so much! I am looking forward to getting to know you better!


    I am so sorry that you also suffer from Chronic Pain honey. We are a group of very strong people, you know that!! I thank you for adding me, I will be visiting your blog also after I post here!! Take care, I wish you a day of no, or low pain today. Gentle hugs!!

  5. Different Day for me, but it is 1:20am and I'm WIDE awake. I understand your pain....

    Good Blog you have here!

  6. I've never heard of any scientific explanation for why sometimes it's possible to sleep ok for weeks or months at a time and other times, when one is feeling just as bad (or good), it becomes nearly impossible to sleep even though one is so tired. Hope you flip into the "sleeping ok" cycle real soon.

  7. Lanette,

    Thanks for your comment and glad you like my Blog! I stayed up night before last all night and felt so crappy the next day. I just hate it when it happens, I feel tired, but no sleep comes. Yet it comes the next day around 4 I am worth nothing!

    Maybe we'll run into each other one day (night)!!!!!!!


  8. Hi Shauna!!

    I haven't been over to your 'place' for awhile...things have just been so busy over here!! I wonder also why this happens...I'd like to research it more.

    I hope this finds you feeling ok today....gentle hugs and much love!

    Shauna :-)

    P.S. Remember the blister? It is interesting still...the infection went away, the top was hard and black and starting to pull away as the skin under it caught on my pants when I was changing and pulled OFF! OWWWW The main area in the middle was not ready for that! (Neither was I!) Now I am dressing it again, and hoping it heals alright. Will keep ya posted.

    Thanks for caring hun.


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