Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tips For Dealing With People In Pain

1. People with chronic pain seem unreliable (we can’t count on ourselves). When feeling better we promise things (and mean it); when in serious pain, we may not even show up.
2. An action or situation may result in pain several hours later, or even the next day. Delayed pain is confusing to people who have never experienced it.
3. Pain can inhibit listening and other communication skills. It’s like having someone shouting at you, or trying to talk with a fire alarm going off in the room. The effect of pain on the mind can seem like attention deficit disorder. So you may have to repeat a request, or write things down for a person with chronic pain. Don’t take it personally, or think that they are stupid.
4. The senses can overload while in pain. For example, noises that wouldn’t normally bother you, seem too much.
5. Patience may seem short. We can’t wait in a long line; can’t wait for a long drawn out conversation.
6. Don’t always ask “how are you” unless you are genuinely prepared to listen it just points attention inward.
7. Pain can sometimes trigger psychological disabilities (usually very temporary). When in pain, a small task, like hanging out the laundry, can seem like a huge wall, too high to climb over. An hour later the same job may be quite OK. It is sane to be depressed occasionally when you hurt.
8. Pain can come on fairly quickly and unexpectedly. Pain sometimes abates after a short rest. Chronic pain people appear to arrive and fade unpredictably to others.
9. Knowing where a refuge is, such as a couch, a bed, or comfortable chair, is as important as knowing where a bathroom is. A visit is much more enjoyable if the chronic pain person knows there is a refuge if needed. A person with chronic pain may not want to go anywhere that has no refuge ( place to sit or lie down).
10. Small acts of kindness can seem like huge acts of mercy to a person in pain. Your offer of a pillow or a cup of tea can be a really big thing to a person who is feeling temporarily helpless in the face of encroaching pain.
11. Not all pain is easy to locate or describe. Sometimes there is a body-wide feeling of discomfort, with hard to describe pains in the entire back, or in both legs, but not in one particular spot you can point to. Our vocabulary for pain is very limited, compared to the body’s ability to feel varieties of discomfort.
12. We may not have a good “reason” for the pain. Medical science is still limited in its understanding of pain. Many people have pain that is not yet classified by doctors as an officially recognized “disease”. That does not reduce the pain, – it only reduces our ability to give it a label, and to have you believe us.


This was posted on the site: Life In Pain (dot org)

The author is unknown, and this list is fantastic as one to print out and send to our family, friends, and those that love us. 

Education is THE KEY to helping others understand Chronic Pain.  Any bit of explanation of how we feel, how we may feel, and what our lives are really all about is always welcome.  Even others who suffer from Pain daily, need some education.  If a person is new to the world of daily pain, they may feel like they are totally alone, and cannot explain how they feel to their family and loved ones, and need some assistance in learning about their particular disease.  This will in turn help the patient to become more educated, which is always a plus, as they can then pass that knowledge onto the people in their lives.  

Gentle Hugs....
Stay strong~ ~just for today~


  1. That is an excellent list! I particularly identify with #9, lately I won't commit to anything unless I know I'll have a quiet place to sit if I need one.

  2. This is a great list. I'm always amazed at people who can put what happens to people in chronic pain (or any other challenge in life) into words. This is like reading a list of all the things I go through. Thank you, Shauna, for posting and sharing.

  3. Dear Steph and TK,

    Both of you write excellent blogs about your lives in Chronic Pain and I have happily added you to my list of Chronic Pain and Illness Blogs.

    I visited both your blogs and was so happy to see writing from your hearts and souls....maybe this 'curse' that our bodies have undergone have given us a chance to tell those that love us exactly how we view our lives....and how our lives intertwine with those that do not have these issues----you know that others that read our writings are benefiting from our years of pain....

    I always try to see the positive in any situation....

    Gentle Hugs to two wonderful ladies!!!

    Shauna -----<3


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