Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Get Your Medical Questions Answered By Experts At Wellsphere

The following is a Press Release by Dr. Geoff Rutledge, MD PhD. He is the very special man who created Wellsphere, a site where anyone can go and have their medical or psychological questions answered by experts in that field, consisting of Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists, and other Medical Personnel.

The site also has a wealth of health information, from losing weight and making goals for yourself, to reading Blogs that the Wellsphere members write. It would do you good to visit, and it has to be the cheapest way these tough days to get one of your health questions answered.

I am proud to be a Health Maven myself on the Wellsphere Site, and have had the blessing to answer questions from those that are obviously in great need of an answer. It gives me a great feeling of helping others, which is why I entered the field of Nursing in the first place!

Press Release Below:

Recession Special: Free answers from doctors and expert patients who truly care

Wellsphere’s Health Mavens provide free answers to millions of health seekers

In these difficult economic times, it’s comforting to know there are medical and patient experts out there who care enough to answer health questions online for free. Dr. Geoff Rutledge, MD PhD, Wellsphere’s Chief Medical Information Officer, told reporters today about the new Health Maven Program, which connects volunteer doctors, psychologists, nurses, personal trainers, expert-patients and other experts with health seekers who are looking for answers. Anyone with access to the Internet can get their health questions and concerns answered quickly and at no cost at www.wellsphere.com/healthMaven.s


Health mavens are carefully selected, knowledgeable, health experts who are committed to helping others live healthier, happier lives. Hundreds of Health Mavens have volunteered to join the program and answer questions, with new Mavens signing up every day. “We’re witnessing an incredible growth in the number of people using the Internet to find health information” said Wellsphere’s CEO Ron Gutman. According to an iCrossing research report, for the first time in history people with health questions are more likely to turn to the Web for answers than to their doctor. “Recognizing this trend among our users, we assembled the world’s leading network of over 1,800 medical and patient experts to share their experiences and expertise with Wellsphere.com’s almost 3 million monthly visitors. We are humbled by the experience, expertise and genuine care these wonderful individuals share every day with people who come to Wellsphere looking for answers” said Gutman.

In addition to providing a wonderful service to people seeking answers to their health questions, the Health Maven program allows participating medical professionals and patient experts to broaden their impact by sharing their experiences and expertise with a much wider audience, and to get the recognition they deserve. Here are a few of their comments:

"Being a Health Maven gives me the opportunity to interact directly with the Wellsphere community. It's been a lot of fun and professionally it's incredibly rewarding." - Melissa McCreery, PhD

"Wellsphere has taken caring to a new level and I'm glad to be a part of it," - Kathleen Blanchard, RN

"I enjoy being a maven - it seems that doling out advice and answering questions seems to be my calling in life." - Lynn Dorman, PhD

To find out more about the Health Maven program, please visit http://www.Wellsphere.com/HealthMaven.s

Geoffrey Rutledge, MD PhD
Chief Medical Information Officer


  1. wellsphere is a nice site; I got answers to my fathers health problems there
    massage tables

  2. I found your blog by accident while searching for some ACM related material. I've linked it to a Squidoo lens I created on ACM (http://www.squidoo.com/chiarimalformation) and on my own blog. Thanks for providing such an informative blog to those of us who are not in the medical field; it is truly a treasure!

  3. Hi,

    This is the first time i came to your blog and i must say i like it alot! Specially the articles. I would like to suggest you to add your articles to www.add-article.info. It's a site where people go to find articles. So i suggest you go there and register. Once you register, you can add descriptions of your articles in less than 30 seconds. By doing that, you will recieve two links to your blog and a picture of your blog next to the description. That way people will find your blog and you will get many new visitors. Do not forget to vote for your articles after you add them to that site, that way you will be on the first site for a long time (tell others to vote too).

    Well anyhow, hope to see you there soon :-) , if not, good luck with your articles and keep up with good work.

  4. Dear Guraraj,

    I am so glad that you found help for your father on Wellsphere!! Another voice that speaks for the true weatlh of information there! Thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving a comment.

    Shauna :-)

  5. Dear Carleen,

    You have no idea how your comment, and my visit to your Blog, affected me last night. I thank you for the just amazing things that you said on your link to my site. I would like to add you to my list of links as your blog has such a wealth of information about your very rare disease. In saying that, I mean that in all my years as a Nurse, I have met and taken care of ZERO patients with ACF. It interests me greatly and I would really like to be able to privately email you. Thank you again, for your interest, and care. It means more than I can say.

    Gentle Hugs to a very brave gal,

    Shauna :-)

  6. Dear Matt,

    Thank you for stopping by, and the kind comments about my blog.

    I have never heard of the article site you have told me about, and I will be going there to register. Have you ever heard of "The Daily Blab?" Although seemingly young, it also encourages article writing and reviews on basically any topic.

    Thanks again Matt,

    Shauna :-)

  7. You have a great blog!! I enjoyed my visit!

  8. Dear Jill,

    Thank you so much for your visit here, and more so, I am very glad that you enjoyed it!!

    Thank you also for the 'great blog' comment....that is always special to me to hear that.

    Gentle hugs,
    Shauna :-)

  9. Wellsphere is a fantastic site - I've been visiting regularly for all sorts of information related to my own chronic pain and other health issues. I'm new to your blog but will definitely be checking back.

  10. Dear Nikki,

    I am glad that Wellsphere has been a help to you!! The Health Mavens there really know their stuff, there are so many Medical Professionals that write on Wellsphere.

    Sorry to hear you are a sister of mine in the world of Chronic Pain. I am sending Gentle Hugs your way....
    And I can't thank you enough for becoming a regular reader of my blog. Means a lot always for me to hear that!

    Gentle Hugs, (Lots of them!!!)

    Shauna :-)

  11. Going to check this out ... and say hello to YOU!
    Driving my blogmobile around in here today. ZOOOOOM >>>>>> O=O\ >>>>>>>

    Cheers from Minnesota :-)

  12. Welsphere is helping so many people with their medical questions and so are you.

    Your creative and informative site continues to elevate the status of medical blogs. Thank you for your wisdom.

  13. Hey Eric!!!

    Watch where you're driving, you just ran over my foot!!! OW!

    So nice to see you hun, I'm going to be cruising around myself tomorrow in our blog worlds!!!


  14. Hello Kindred Spirit!!!

    I miss you so much!! Thanks sweetie for your really nice comment....I am humbled; (and have two awards from YOU that I need to get on here!! I am spazzing on the pictures...I know I know you wrote me with huge details...but if you got my last email you know why it has been lagging 8-O )You know I value them immensely!

    I agree about Wellsphere totally. Great site and am also humbled with the awards I have received from them also.

    Have been by 'your place' and not seen you for awhile, will stop by later hun.

    With so much love...<3
    Your KS


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