Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Serenaded Birthday

Well what do you know? It is coming...again...just too quick do these years fly by. It is soon to be Birthday time and you ladies know as we get older, they do get less important overall. OH, not that we don't want anyone to acknowledge that it is 'our' one day a year; it is the realization that when people used to say to me, "You are so young, so smart, so beautiful; enjoy your youth while it is here", I never realized just how quickly it all would pass by.

I enjoyed my youth, oh yeah I did!! Then suddenly, one day, I wake up thinking about my retirement fund. Wha????? WHAT? That is when I realized my youth had been, well, had. It is a new horizon now for me, and I have had other people on my mind lately as my birthday rapidly approaches.

Because my youngest brother was born a day after me, and the doc in my life for over 9 years' b-day was a day before mine, we all 3 would get together on mine, the middle b-day, for a drink or 8, maybe have a fabulous dinner, or BBQ with family and friends together.

Speaking of dates, it is absolutely amazing those that he and I shared! Aside from our birthdays being the next day from each other, here's a few more. His son, who is the same age as mine, was born on MY father's B-day. And my son--born on HIS father's B-day. Uh-huh. Wow huh! Then there was the fact that we both got married, (our first marriages), on the same day. Year different, but same wedding anniversary with our ex's! Just the son and father thing was crazy enough. Odd how dates bring us together, when we find some in common. Isn't it a real draw when you meet someone, and find out they share your B-day? Doesn't it make for a tad more of a connection, and easier to speak to each other?

The B-day that I will always remember the most, was my 40th B-day. What that sweet doc did for me was above and beyond anything I had ever been 'given' for my B-day.

There was a lot of scurrying around the week or so before my b-day. He told me that we were having some people over for my b-day, and we'd have a nice dinner at home with close friends and family. How much better could that be? It got better, believe me.

I was told to not worry about 'anything', and that he would be cooking the dinner. Cooking and us two was quite the hobby. When we met, he literally could only make one dish, and I taught him how. He basically boiled water in the cooking department. After 6 years of living together, I turned out to the next victim a man who could cook a lavish dinner, set the table right, and so beautifully too, then clean it up! He took an immediate interest in cooking when he would sit in the kitchen and have wine with me as he watched me cook. My mother taught me how, and now he was learning her recipes! He took to a few right away, and would cook a couple times a week at first. became, "What would you like tonight honey....squab, or a nice pork loin topped with a cherry sauce?" Yep. I taught him to enjoy cooking. He began to love to create, and experiment. My son and I were the Guinea pigs, and 99% of it went down so nice! (It was the poor little rabbit's I just had a tough time with!)

On my b-day, I saw a table being delivered, with beautiful China and glassware, gorgeous flatware, linens, and 3 or 4 Brunch-type servers. When he later put it all together, it was like Martha Stewart had run by and had a little fun in our dining room! (I hear it is now an altar, but I'll leave that one alone!) He added my favorite flowers, (one of his 'things' he did for me so often, was indulge me in flowers, he knew how much I loved them), and went into the kitchen. I had semi-strict orders to stay out. Soon, some of the most delicious smells were coming out of our kitchen.

I got ready, leopard bra and low-cut black top, my favorite black skirt, (he had requested that one), and black stockings with seams down the back, finished off with new patent leather pumps. It must had been a 'good day' pain-wise, b/c I don't remember that being an issue. I felt sexy, and of course he had told me over and over that I couldn't possibly be turning 40, and how lucky he was to have me. He was a very sweet man to me, and always complimented me, helping me to feel pretty when maybe it was a day I didn't.

Our guests arrived, from fellow docs and their wives, to both my and his older brothers, mine a Sommeleir; who doc adored, they were like 2 peas in a pod; and some other family. We shared some aperitifs and wonderful pate, and other appetizers that he had made. I noticed at one point, the kids were kind of whispering and there was a bit of a rustling downstairs, coming from the garage entrance. Walking up were three Mexican men with traditional instruments, dressed in fancy ruffled shirts. They were simply called a Trio. As I was kind of taking it all in, they stopped at the top of the stairs and got instruments ready. Then they played.

They were serenading me! Since it was all in Spanish, I couldn't understand them completely, and doc was next to me telling me what they were singing. He told me it was a traditional Spanish song that was used in serenading the ladies up on their balconies. I was teary just from his sentiments, from what he had done for me, the planning it must have taken; and it was all as he had hoped: A Surprise!! I noticed the Spanish-speaking wives were swaying to the music, hanging on every word. As it was translated to me, I was taken away by the romantic lyrics.

As doc did last-minute preparations in the kitchen, the music continued, and some of our Mexican friends were in small spats; looked like a male vs. female kind of thing...I asked them what was going on, and the girls told me they were asking why they had never before been serenaded like that! YIKES!

Dinner was amazing, and the Trio played on. Doc made his famous pork-loin with Cherry Glaze, a delicious assortment of quail, red potatoes with rosemary in olive oil, baked just till a bit crispy, (I am getting so hungry right now!), and a Spanish Paella with seafood, and other meats. A plate of sliced tomatoes topped with a slice of fresh cheese, a basil leaf, and olive oil drizzled on top, with a sprinkling of salt and pepper started the feast, then we served ourselves from the gleaming heated Serving Dishes. The best of wines flowed, the bread was passed, live music was played, conversations were all over the gorgeous table, and my b-day cake finished off the night.

Great, home-cooked with a lot of love, fine food; could not outdo an actual professional Trio in our home, playing all night, starting out with a few love songs just to serenade me. What he put into making that night wonderful for me was the most heart-touching, and caring things that anyone has ever done for me on my birthday. One I will obviously never forget.

It is true; that saying, "It doesn't matter what the gift is, it is (truly) the thought that counts."

Thanks doc.

"The Only Constant in Change."


  1. I met a little girl once with the same name as me. It was her birthday the next day. She said "It's gonna be your birfday too right? Cause we have the same name?"
    Unforgettably adorable...

  2. What a wonderful story. And another coincidence--my birthday was this past week. Hope your birthday this year is as happy as mine was! May it be a low-pain day.

  3. Great story! ... I wasn't even there and I'm smiling :-)

    Wishing you a super and "low pain" week -

  4. Caf,

    That is just tooooo cute! And see, you never forgot that!!

    Gentle Hugs,


  5. Shauna,

    I am so glad to hear you had a great b-day, and glad you liked the story.

    I think I have you linked btw to the wrong site under your name on my is not your help!!!!

    Gentle hugs sweetie!!

  6. Eric,

    Glad to make you smile!! You sure do the same for me dear.

    I wish you a week of laughter and something new in each day...




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